Sunday, December 30, 2007

Looking back on 2007

I really don't know what I am doing so bare with me. lol I thought maybe I would try my hand at this blogging thing. I am hoping to do more blogging then my husband Jason. lol This year is almost over and I have to say I feel so blessed as I look back over it. I gave birth to my second child Claire Michelle on October 15th. Praise God! Through my labor and delivery I felt so close to God! It's surreal and I can't even began to explain it! Because I am diabetic insulin dependent I was diagnosed with preeclampsia and hospitalized at 35 1/2 weeks. My blood pressures had been really high so during delivery there was a good chance they would put me on magnesium to prevent me from having a seizer. They had to give me the magnesium during my labor with my first child Connor. It was terrible! It makes you so sick to your stomach and gives you a bad headache. I prayed through out my entire pregnancy that I would not have to go through that again! As I waited to go in full blown labor in the hospital I kept reciting the prayer God can do anything , you know far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! Ephesians 3:20 I truly believe that with my heart and soul! Between my prayers and the prayers of my Awesome Church Family, my God delivered! I did not have to have the mag and my labor went so well! Even though Claire arrived four weeks early, she did not have to be put in the NICU like her brother did. What an AWESOME GOD!!!! I give all credit to him!

Another awesome thing that happen this year is that my husband was able to quit his full time job in St. Louis and go full time with his business! I still sometimes can't believe it! So he works from home and is able to spend more time with us. Again, I praise God and give him all the credit.

Lastly, I became an aunt to Gavin Michael. My sister and I were pregnant at the same time and were so excited tht we were able to go through it together. She is my best friend and only sibling. I am so thankful God made us sisters! I will never forget when my mother was pregnant with her I prayed every night (no kidding) she would be a girl. I wanted a sister so bad! She was a girl alright but 100% tomboy! lol We were so opposite. LOL Even thought we were 5 1/2 years apart we now are closer than ever! Thank you God! I love you!


Anonymous said...

Hey Amy,
I am very proud of you & Jason, too. And so very glad you both have given your lives to the Lord.
I love the photos. Keep em' comin'!
What a beautiful, little family.
And I get to say you're part MINE.
;) Aunt Sherry

Mel said...

I love the pictures and I am so glad to find your blog! You will find in a while when you go back and read some of your early posts what a blessing it is to read your own thoughts to see where you've been. Blog on, sister!!